The PC4000 bucket weighs 26 tonnes and has a capacity of 23 cubic metres.
Replacement of the 120 mm thick high strength low alloy mole board / cutting edge and OEM supplied front and corner adaptors was undertaken under a 24 / 7 operation due to the strict welding controls required by the OEM.
Welding procedures supplied by the OEM required strict Preheating prior to welding, Interpass Temperature Control, Controlled Number of Welds Being Laid Down At Any Time On Either Side, and Post Weld Heat Treatment ( PWHT )
Our computer controlled ceramic heating pads allowed us to monitor the strict heating requirements throughout the whole project from preheating through to ramping down ( PWHT ) in a controlled manner and also provided our clients with a graphed readout at any time to ensure compliance.
Finished welds were required to be blended smoothly.
3rd party IANZ PAUT was carried out on the butt welds and MPI on the fillet welds.

Bucket on purpose built turning jig to optimise welding time.

Bucket after Completion of Welding and NDT

Computer Controlled Heating Equipment and Graph